"Moner Manush" is an Indo-Bangladesh joint venture based on Sunil Gangopadhyay’s novel on Lalan Fakir where Prosenjit Chatterjee will play the lead. Bangladeshi producer Habibur Rehman Khan has joined hands with Kolkata producer Goutam Kundu to make this film. “Khan’s Ashirbad Chalchitra had also produced Ritwik Ghatak’s Titas Ekti Nadir Naam and Gautam's Padma Nadir Majhi. Besides improving bilateral ties, joint ventures increase a film’s market. It also means having to take an almost equal number of cast and crew from both countries.
Actor/Actress : Raisul Islam Asad , Chanchal Chowdhury, Champa,
Genres : Drama
Running Time : 150 Min
Release Date : December 3rd 2010
Distributors : Ashirbad Cholochitro
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