Nasir Uddin Yousuf's 'Guerilla' is to be released on Bengali New Year's Day, the movie has recently been submitted to the sensor board, who will soon watch the movie. The sound designing of this movie has been done by the indian Binode Subramanian, who was nationally awarded for the movie 'Rock On'. The print of this movie has been processed by Reliance Media Works.
The movie's executive producer Asha said that they are looking forward to release the movie on April 14th. The director of the movie, Naseer Uddin Yousuf, said that, " The movie is based on Sayed Shamsul Haque's novel 'Nishiddho Loban', and my experience on our liberation war. The screenplay has been created by me and Ebadur Rahman. In the movie people will be able to understand my thinking about our liberation war. The people will decide how the movie is after watching it."
The Casts of this movie are, Joya Ahsan, Shatabdi Wadud, ATM Shamsujjaman, Ferdous, Pijush Bandhapaddhay, etc.
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